Sunday, April 14, 2019

So guys, we did it. We finished the project.

It's over. Wow. Saying those words (or rather typing them) feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

I'm not going to lie. There were parts of this project I didn't enjoy. There was a lot I wish had gone by faster, and there was a lot of things I dropped the ball on. But to be finished with a project I had been planning since the beginning of the year, way before we were even supposed to start on it? That's heavy. I almost feel like I don't know what to do with myself anymore. Hopefully, this reflection will help me figure that out.

Let's start out with a huge shoutout to all the people who contributed to my project. Lau, Kira, Isa, Talia, my sister Leah, and most of all, my partner Gus. Without these beautiful people, I wouldn't have the pictures I need for my project, and despite my sometimes obscure and vague art direction, they helped me pull my scattered thoughts together into something I could be proud of. Big big thanks to my partner Gus especially. I don't know how he does it, but even with my horrible explanations o the aesthetics I create in my head, he understands me, and helps me create what I envision in my head. He's one of the most amazing partners I've ever worked with throughout all my school years, and I don't think this project would've got done without his help. 

Now for the project itself. I love it, so much. The final product was everything I had ever envisioned, to be honest, and I couldn't be more proud of myself. From the cover page to the article, everything matched my vision perfectly or even exceeded expectations. For example, the second table of contents page was so much fun to do and came out better than my original plan. Sane thins for the advertisements I created where I turned my friends into Giorgi Armani models. At the end of the day, I got everything done that I needed to get done, and I'm proud of it.

That being said, obviously, there are things I could've done better. My time management for one was atrocious. Despite my schedule, I fell off the train and couldn't quite seem to get back on until the final days of the project, which made me rush. Perhaps if I had had more time, or had been more organized, I would've been able to skip the whole rushing about part. Another thing I wish I had done differently is choosing a different theme. I chose to make my article and main photoshoot about nature, and though it was a fun topic, I wish I had featured one of the social media trends I mentioned in my CCR because it would've not only been easier, but I feel it would've fit the brand better. 

Overall though, I was very pleased with the way my project came out and I have no real issues with the final product. Hopefully, my grade will reflect that satisfaction. 

Signing off for now, and I think forever,

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