So who didn't post on time? Me!
Okay, okay so I know I said I was going to upload a new blog post about the group meeting on Friday buttttttttt
But, anything worth doing is worth doing poorly! Or in my case, two days late.
So, enjoy!
So we had a team meeting discussing our projects and right off the bat I was super excited because my group featured some of who I thought were the strongest members of our class, production-wise. A lot of their projects had turned out really great in the past so I was excited to get their feedback on my project.The main piece of advice I got, since I have so many pieces going into my magazine was just timing. I have a lot of ideas and I need to make sure I can get the down in the limited amount of time I have. For that reason, I'm really happy I made my schedule, cause its going to really help keep me on track. I'm going to start working on my physical draft this week, and while I'm doing that, I'm also going to start looking around and buying the last of the supplies that I need.

I have three models I have to clothe and I already have one and a half of the pieces done, so I kinda still have a lot to do. My first piece is a representation of the sun, so its this big yellow half crown, with sunflowers and baby-breath flowers. I really love how it looks and I'm thinking of adding some yellow ribbons to go with it, but other than that, its completely done. My second looks is a pink look, based off of the concept of creation. The crown for that one is half done but when its fully done its going to be this large elaborate masterpiece with huge flowers, and its going to have little gems embedded in the flowers that are going to catch and reflect the light perfectly. Most of the flowers I need for it I already have, but I am missing some pieces so I'm going to go shopping for them this weekend. For my last look, I'm doing a shadow inspired look and this is really the centerpiece of the shoot. Its going to be this elaborate chest cage thats going to work kind of like a very short cape (pictured) built out of black wires, then I'm going to glue black roses to it and cover them in a shimmery powder to make them almost glow. In addition I'm making these wrist cuffs in the same black wire fashion and wire rim glasses with no lenses with jewels dangling off of them, similar to the ones pictured to the side by YVMIN, a Chinese fashion brand. I'm going to make the glasses myself but model them similar to the YVMIN ones cause I'm obsessed with the way they looks (not so much with their price, 300 USD).

I already have most of the supplies I need, I'm just missing the things I need for the glasses and the chest plate. I found a website where I can buy 80 black roses for 24ish dollars, so I'm going to be ordering those from there, but the rest of the supplies are going to come from my local A.C. Moore. I'm anticipating its going to take me about a week to build these pieces in between the rest of my school work, but I have about two weeks set up to work on them so I shouldn't have an issue. I think actually building the pieces is going to be my favorite part of the project because I absolutely love building these kinds of artistic pieces and not gonna lie, I'm pretty good at it.

In addition, I've settled on a shooting location! Its the Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables and its absolutely gorgeous and perfect for our shoot. I have to call in and ask for a photography pass so I can go and shoot with my models but other than that, there should be no issues. I chose a date on which most of the models should still be here because it isn't spring break yet, and I'm going to go a couple days in advance to scope out the place and pick locations for shooting so I'm super super excited.
Thats about all I have for today, but I will definitely be posting a
lot more consistently in the upcoming weeks so be on the look out for that!
Signing off
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